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MONA Development Grants

The Wedge Entomological Research Foundation (WERF) is initiating a grants-in-aid program to help authors complete systematic work leading directly to the completion of one or more MONA fascicles. Activities eligible for funding include museum travel, databasing, illustration, equipment, software, and author stipends. Collecting and other types of fieldwork will not be supported.

MONA Development Grants, up to $5,000 per annum, will be awarded for terms of one calendar year. Authors who can demonstrate substantial progress in a first year of funding will be eligible to apply for funding in years two and three. Because the WERF's ability to fund these grants depends on sales from completed publications, second or third year awards will be viewed most favorably if a finished, submission-ready manuscript will be submitted during the second or third year. Priority will be given to projects nearing completion and/or to authors who have demonstrated prior achievement in producing monographic works.

Proposals for grants should be no more than 2000 words, excluding cited literature and budgetary information. The proposal should describe progress to date and clearly state the project objectives, methods, schedule, and expected products. A detailed budget justification, while recommended, is optional. WERF policy does not permit use of grant funds for the payment of institutional indirect charges.

Potential authors of MONA fascicles are typically identified by the WERF Board prior to the preparation of a given volume. Those contemplating authorship are urged to contact WERF, prior to submitting a proposal.

This grants-in-aid program has been made possible through a generous bequest by Bryant Mather and his Estate to the Foundation.

Proposals for MONA Development Grants should be emailed to: Contact WERF


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